B) Feedback inhibition
Feedback inhibition is a situation in which the end product of a reaction controls the action of the enzyme that helped produce it. In this process the end products formed at the end of a sequence of reactions participate in inhibiting the activity of the enzymes that helped synthesis the end product. Some examples of products that are used in feedback inhibition are CTP, citrate and Isoleucine. While negative feedback is used in the context of inhibition, negative feedback may also be used for promoting a certain process.
Therefore, when the end product of a pathway inhibits catalysis of the first step of that pathway, this phenomenon is called Feedback inhibition.
To support the axial load on the column as it is delivered by body mass and gravity
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The abiotic factors will define which organisms are able or not to live in a specified place. The living organisms will constitute the biotic factors, which define if and how can an organism live in a specified environment. So, the abiotic factors are controlling the biotic factors of an environment.
Theory of natural selection by Charles Darwin explains the moth appearance in England. The theory of genetics describes this as a mere shift of trait due to environmental factors.
Peppered moths are the moths found in England from a long time ago. The environment before the industrial revolution was pure and pollution free, which led to the growth of the white variety of moths as they were able to camouflage better with the bark of the trees from their hunters. The white trait were the parents, and fertilization between the two recessive traits gave rise to the recessive traits only.
But with the industrial revolution, the pollution increased to a huge extent, leading to deposition of smokes and soot on trees bark where white variety of the white moths got easily recognizable. This led to the black moths which now can camouflage better. Thus the nature selected black variety over white variety for better survival, and the white variety reduced dramatically.