Operating activities
The operating activities deal with the purchase and sale of merchandise to the customers plus it also involves the expenditure incurred for day to day operations like - wages and salaries expenses, administrative expenses, selling and other general expenses
By performing day to day activities, the company is enabled to generate the revenues through which the company could accomplish its goals and objectives.
The First Bank loan has an effective rate of 7.98 percent.
we calcualte the effective rate for both loand and check which statement is correct.
<u>First bank:</u>

1.07977643 - 1 = 0.07977 = 7.98%
<u>Second bank:</u>

1.076798729 - 1 = 0.076798729 = 7.68%
Notice tthis isthe effective rate not the annual percentage rate.
So only the statement abour the first bank effectibe rate is true.
Like toys r us it failed because they always had low costs and low profits from their toys.
For centuries the guideline for business transactions was the Latin term “caveat emptor” (let the buyer beware). This principle suggests that the seller is not responsible for the buyer’s welfare. In other words such principle gives the buyer the sole responsibility for checking the quality and suitability of the goods that he is buying from the seller before making a final purchase.
The type of account Samantha should recod the transaction is the contra account.