Integration of software and hardware
Changing the manufacturing process to a new type of technology is a management decision. For example, a drilling company bid on a contract at a mine I is worked at and obtained the specs that we needed to do the job successfully ie for the drill configuration. Consequently, their manager decided to remove the drill mast from the back of the drill truck and mount it on the side of the drill so the collar of the holes would not be too high for us to access and this was for horizontal drainhole drilling and it worked very well. This then represented a management decision. But it is well to remember that good suggestions for technical innovations often come from the hourly employees and when implemented can be very effective. Also, it is the hourly employees, in essence the workers that have to implement the management decisions and that takes much skill and hard work.
Solicited business proposals are executed in reaction to a purchaser's want, at the same time as unsolicited proposals are used to market it to capacity customers.
It is an internal suggestion due to the fact it's miles from a worker in the organization. And unsolicited due to the fact this is an idea that became an independent idea up and the employee now desires to endorse this idea to the top of the employer.
The advent of an unsolicited proposal consists of a statement of the hassle or opportunity that the concept addresses to reinforce the argument stated in the record.
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