He (thomas edidson) obtained patents in such fields as telegraphy, phonography, electric
lighting and photography. In 1882, he designed the first hydroelectric
plant in Appleton, Wisconsin. In 1879, he and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan (in
England) simultaneously invented similar carbon filament incandescent
light bulbs. Edison improved upon Swan's design and by the end of 1880
had produced a 16-watt light bulb that would last for 1500 hours.
A phenotype is D) What you physically see or are.
EXAMPLE: You have brown eyes . . . That's your phenotype.
Imagine that NASA discovered a prokaryote-like organism. Initial experiments indicated they use the same DNA → RNA → protein system as life on Earth, except that
there are only 2 bases (A and T) in the Martian DNA, and
there are only 17 amino acids found in Martian proteins.
Based on this information, what is the minimum size of a codon for these hypothetical organisms?