Answer and Explanation:
Describe the ethical dilemma or dilemmas Rachel faced:
Rachael was faced with the ethical dilemma of accepting her boss's deceptive strategy to increase customer conversion or reject it because it is wrong even though she doesn't have an ethical or right way of increasing customer base
Do you think Rachel's boss' "Cindy Anderson" strategy is ethically acceptable? Why or why not?
What Rachel's boss asked for is wrong and unethical because betraying the trust of existing customers and trying to deceive them by using another identity is dishonest
What is Rachel's obligation to her customers and what are Rachel 's obligations to the company?
Rachel's obligation to the company was to increase customer conversion by using all possible email communications to market company products. Her obligation to customers was to not be deceitful
What do you think is the most important factor in how Rachel responded to the situation: That she thought the proposed "Cindy Anderson" strategy was deceitful or that she thought the strategy would cost the company customers?
The most important factor in her response was that she thought the Cindy Anderson strategy was deceitful and ethically unacceptable.