From the given information ; we use EXCEL to compute the Dataset given and use it to determine the expected return on what the stock portfolio would be.
Check the attached file below for the solution in Excel Sheet.
"Why We've Been Hugely Underestimating the Overfishing of the Oceans"
Determining whether each statement is true or false:
a. False
b. True
c. False
d. True
The article "Why We've Been Hugely Underestimating the Overfishing of the Oceans," was published by the Washington Post on January 19, 2016. It was written by Chelsea Harvey. It tried to show how the world fish stock had been declining due to overfishing. This is why it provided a report contrary to the FAO report.
While the FAO report noted that the peak of worldwide catches was at 86 million tons in 1996, the contrary and independent report, using "catch reconstruction" showed that the peak was at 130 million tons in 1996. The reconstructed research also showed that worldwide fish catches had suffered declines ever since the 1996 peak, thereby threatening "world food security and marine ecosystems". The contrary report also suggested that all stakeholders must collaborate so that fish stocks can rebuild naturally.
The government can control tariffs and can limit how much can be imported into the usa.
The government can provide subsidies to certain producers, typically farmers.
The government can put a ceiling and a floor on prices as they wish. They can control the lowest and highest price a commodity can sell for.
The government can own public works such as a water company if they feel they can provide the service for a lower cost than the local competitors.
The government can decide which companies are monopolies and which companies are violating federal policies regarding trade. The government has the power to break up monopolies.
Each of these has advantages and disadvantages. For example, for farmers, when prices on their crops are too low, the government "gives" them money for their crops so they can stay in business.
A monopoly business controls the price and supply. If the monopoly is broken up, then competitors can enter the field- this can help drive down prices.
If the government can provide utility services for cheaper, that is good.
C. Including restrictive covenants in the company's bond indenture (which is the contract between the company and its bondholders).
One of the major actions that would most likely reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and bondholder is the Inclusion of restrictive covenants in the company's bond indenture (which is the contract between the company and its bondholders).
Restrictive covenants are Bond covenants that are designed to protect the interests of both parties by forbiding the issuer from undertaking certain activities that are detrimental to the holders of the bond.
Restrictive covenants manages the agency problem between stockholders and bondholder.