All laws are passed by congress unless the president vetos the law
The problem is that "Cupid" is now lost (thought to have been destroyed in 1698 in a fire on London), so we only know about the characteristics of Cupid from stories. It is said to have been treated with acidic earth with Michaelangelo at the time, to make it appear older. The cupid was sleeping on a bed-like structure.
The support for the Suffolk Resolves by the continental congress pushed the colonies closer to war because it declared the Coercive Acts to be illegal.
The answer is checks. Older people use check as they're a lot more simple than technology today.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease is a form of dementia. It is a disorder in which there is a constant decline or slows in the process of thinking. The person starts to forget about things, situations, and behaviors. Also, the person suffering from this is unable to live alone or to perform everyday activities. The most highlighting symptom of Alzheimer's Disease is memory loss. Memorizing things and organizing them are some of the difficulties that the person undergoes with.