Thomas Paine counters the opinion of some people that America had existed as such a developed country only because of the British rule, and that it should therefore remain British, so as to keep developing and becoming better.
Reading a work of literature is often related to one's personal beliefs and opinions because when you read something you often connect what you read with what you know and this affects your beliefs and opinions about the book but also about general things, as well as vice versa. Once you read a book, this further increases and changes your stance on certain things. It therefore changes your opinions and beliefs.
At the end of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, the protagonist Oedipus has gouged out his own eyes and is sent into exile. His wife (and -- spoiler alert -- his mother) is dead, having hung herself.
Marriage was the only means for women to gain social mobility
It’s A, the narrator is being persuasive.