Eurasia is the combination of some parts of Europe and asian continent.
Religious view on wealth combination in these two regions were massively different.
Europe that dominated by Christians actually see wealth accumulation as acceptable as long is you don't let your life being controlled by it (eventhough the facts is many religious leaders actually lavished with a lot of wealth compared to commoners)
In asian continent that dominated by Buddhism, Confucianism, or Hinduism, wealth accumulation is seen in a more negative connotation compared to the European view.
On average, it’s not more than 10 mins
Because everyone should have equal rights and the judiciary should be fair towards everyone .If the judiciary is impartial, then only some people will get justice
Health problems can occur from a person genetic make-up, or lifestyle behaviors such as smoking and exposure to toxic substances
There for
1: you snore
2: your skin isn’t clear
3: you’re gassy
4:you’re always sleepy/tired
5: your urine isn’t a pale straw color
6: the white part of your eyes aren’t white and are more of a yellow color
7: you get exhausted easily
8: sweating Constantly
9: shortness in breath
10: you’re seeing flashes of light