The segments of DNA that contain the code for specific proteins are called, genes.
Algunas oraciones con la palabra selva pueden ser:
Miguel viajará hoy a la selva.
En la selva se tiene mucha humedad.
La selva amazónica tiene mucha diversidad de especies.
Sorry i tried my best to help but idk how to speak or read that language so
sorry if I'm wrong :(
Lo siento, hice todo lo posible para ayudar, pero no sé cómo hablar o leer ese idioma, así que
lo siento si me equivoco :(
Advantages of asexual is only one parent is needed. Disadvantages is no genetic variation. For sexual advantages is genetic variation. Disadvantage is two parents are needed.
In this case, organisms in the same order are more closely related than the members of the same kingdom.
It will rain next. The moist air has lots of gas water. And when the warm gas water meets the cool temperature in the atmosphere, it will become liquid water. And when liquid water becomes more and more, it will form rain.