C. deriving benefits from highly focused and high technology markets
Firms that engage in cost-leadership approach seek to combine a low per-unit income with large sales for profit making purposes. Typically, but not always, they are more inclined to market their products and services to a large population base or a niche with a high demand volume. While differentiation enables a company to accomplish a competitive advantage. A Competitive advantage enables a company to achieve more strides over other companies offering related product substitutes. It is an important marketing process that is of critical economic importance to a business.
It should be noted that deriving benefits from highly focused and high technology markets is not part of the approaches to combining overall cost leadership and differentiation competitive advantages.
cout<<"square of "<< input<<" is: "<<squ_num<<endl;
// driver function
int main()
int n;
// read the number until user enter 0
cout<<"enter a number!! (0 to stop):";
// read the input from user
// call the function to calculate square of input number
return 0;
Declare a variable "n" to read the input number from user.Call the function square() with parameter "n".In this function, it will calculate the square of the input number and print it.This will repeat until user enter 0 as input.Program will ends when user give 0 as input.