They result in a clear and concise statement of the problem
They ensure that all stakeholder needs are considered.
They result in a document that is easy to understand
Problem statement are very vital in research they are key notes that tells what the research is all about and solution it will provide. They are key notes to understand a research and the knowledge gap the research is filling.
Problem statement is a guide through which solution are measured, it gives a clear direction of what the research is all about.
Problem statement are usually easy to understand, they are written in ways that everyone who picks the paper up can understand why the research was conducted.
All this are why a problem statement is important.
Low Vision Aid for Computer Users
Visually impaired people can use the same low vision aids for viewing a computer screen as they do for regular reading activities. These include eyeglass-mounted magnifiers, handheld magnifiers and stand-alone magnifiers. But also, special software has been developed to display content on the screens of computers and other digital devices in large print. Other applications can read text and other visual content aloud with a synthetic voice. These adaptive low vision devices let partially sighted people do the same computer-related tasks as fully sighted people — such as word processing, creating and using spreadsheets and viewing web pages online.
Please the code snippet below, the code was writen in Kotlin Language
const val inches:Int= 12 . //This is the const value
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//this will ask the user for input
print("Enter a number")
//this will do the conversion
var valueInFeet= Integer.valueOf(readLine())*inches
print("The value in feet is $valueInFeet feet(s)")
1) if "<table>" is an option then that's the answer
2) <HTML>
3) <tr>
4) border-collapse collapse
5) <caption>
Currently studying HTML and these are the tags I'm familar with.