Any theory must contain a meaningful concept with new evolution to accept by the scientific community
The advantageous proteins that build larger molecules help prolong life life. If there is better survival and reproduction, it is more likely to pass onto the next generation. If it continues to be advantageous, the sequence of them change to support the life of the current species.
It's the phases of the mitosis cycle.
1. metaphase
2. prophase
3. cytokenesis
4. interphase
5. interphase
6. interphase
7. anaphase
8. interphase
9. cytokenesis
10. metaphase
11. interphase
12. interphase
13. interphase
14. interphase
15. prophase
16. interphase
17. metaphase
18. anaphase
19. interphase
20. interphase
21. prophase
22. interphase
I'm pretty sure that these are correct.