Microorganisms are a way of life that cannot be visualized without the aid of a microscope. These tiny beings can be found in the air, on the ground, and even in man. These tiny beings are not all the same, they can be very different in size and way of life. However, they all have in common a very simple structure and the impossibility of being seen without the use of a microscope. In addition, microorganisms can represent some characteristics of life, since as well as living beings in gereal they grow, reproduce and die.
I believe the correct answer would be that electronegativity generally increases moving from left to right across a period. The periodic table of elements is arranged so that trends of the properties of the elements can be shown. For electronegativity, it decreases from right to left which means for the opposite direction it increases.
The density of Interstellar dust is very low,yet it still blocks starlight because. .....the Dust emission nebulae like M42 occur only near star that emit large amount of. ......Hydrogen is the major gas in the interstellar medium.