Junto con el lenguaje, el parentesco es sin duda la principal institución humana, que constituye nuestra principal diferencia específica con las demás especies animales. Las otras también se comunican y se aparean, pero sólo los seres humanos decimos "no" (principal característica del lenguaje) y sólo nosotros, al emparejarnos (lo que implica decir no a las parejas prohibidas por el tabú del incesto), contraemos alianzas con otras familias, reforzando y ampliando nuestras redes de parentesco: es la regla de exogamia que fundamenta el orden social. Valga esta simplista generalización para introducir mi comentario a este gran libro que describe la transformación de las redes españolas de parentesco, como creadoras y reproductoras de los órdenes institucionales (asentamientos de la población, organizaciones económicas, regímenes políticos, representaciones culturales, etcétera) que se han venido sucediendo sobre el territorio español. Una empresa tan ambiciosa que amenazaba con resultar fallida, pero que viene a suponer un indudable progreso respecto a los escasos precedentes con que contábamos: la monografía de David Reher La familia en España. Pasado y presente (Alianza, 1996) y La historia de la familia en la península Ibérica (UCLM, 2008) compilado por Francisco García González (que también firma aquí uno de los mejores capítulos).
posdata denada espero que te aiga servido de ayuda
Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law.
Hope it will help you :)
Answer: It is a complicated situation, would try to alert her of all the rich that it is illegal, all the possibilities of diseases that the child could have. I could not help but support her but it would be necessary to say that in ethical terms she is very wrong. I would advise you to adopt a child because there are so many children who need love, why spend so much and take so many risks when you have thousands of children who just want to be loved?
I always am cautious with C), NEVER.
Anyway, Occasionally, Sometimes, and May are pretty much the same!
Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:
"Tori has been a personal secretary for the Governor for the past three years. During this time, Tori has observed what he considers to be insincerity on the part of the Governor with regards to interest in social causes. Tori has seen money that was to go to schools and children's hospitals questionably disappear. The Governor is more interested in spending the federal government's money for his own agenda than for helping people.
Tori reasons, "The public has a right to be treated fairly. He is violating the rights of these children. I need to gather more information and, if I am right, I need to report this behavior." Which philosophy best depicts Tori's reasoning:"
Virtue ethics
Virtue ethics is a philosophy that refers to the emphasis on the moral virtues of the human being. Through this philosophy, people seek to do what is right, what is centered on honesty, transparency and the highest ethical and moral standards.
When Tory decides to expose the acts of dishonesty that her governor promotes, she is trying to do something fair and just, which will intensify her honesty and allow people to have justice. This shows that she is committed to the ethical philosophy of virtue.