Student loan put you in debt after you take it out and a scholarship basically helps you get a discount on the tuition you pay
A gas commonly found in smog is ozone. Correct answer: A
Smog generally occurs in the lower part of the atmosphere is composed mainly of tropospheric ozone (O3), primary particulate matter such as pollen and dust; and secondary particulate matter such as sulphur oxides, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia gas.
The universal machine is a weight training machine in the gym.
The endocrine hormones help control mood, growth and development, the way our organs work, metabolism , and reproduction. The endocrine system regulates how much of each hormone is released. This can depend on levels of hormones already in the blood, or on levels of other substances in the blood, like calcium.
Without your endocrine glands — and the hormones they release — your cells wouldn't know when to do important things. For instance, your bones wouldn't get the message that it's time for you to grow and get bigger.
hope it helps!