4 over 4, whole rest, etc. I really hope this helps. I was in band for 2 years so...
What are the causes of the closure of the Mandarin Chou? What was the strategy to be safe and isolated? How did you have fun? Why is the doctor the murderer even though he didn't stick the dagger in? Why couldn't the crime have been committed without the mirror?
That's The Translation.... Don't Know What Your Question Is Tho...
objects, the audience, and people
Dont hate I think this would be the best one for me.
There are two versions of the painting. The first version of the painting was made in brighter oil colors. Dr. Gachet seemed to be enthralled with Van Gogh. The caption would be " Doctor Gachet's first impression."
The second version is darker compared to the first one. Doctor Gachet was painted with a grimace and sad expression. This painting was also made in oil on canvas. Both paintings had Dr. Gachet leaning on the table, but the colors differ, making the first one brighter and more jovial while the second one is melancholic and sad.