To keep yourself and the omelets safe, you should break the eggs against a flat surface or against each other to create a large enough crack so that the eggshell (small pieces) don't fall into the egg itself. The risk of the eggshell in the omelet is that you could possibly be giving yourself salmonella which is a dangerous situation.
It could be to avoid injuries. One reason why there are several rules in
exercising is to ensure that a person will not get injured during a
workout. Injuries can occur when one is
either handling too much weight, doing the exercise wrong, not using proper
equipment or does not have a partner or trainer assisting him.
It would be everyone's best interest for Carla to bring this major outright fellony to the attention of her boss or other appreciate supervisor quietly letting them know she needed the file for the continuation of work, hopefully it was necessary for employer. I think too and often others in society have not developped moral and stay stuck in serving their own immediate action interest.
Multi tasking is a myth so dont try to use your phone while driving.