Intrauterine device/contraceptive
The 2 types are a hormonal IUD or copper IUD.
It is a T-shaped device that is inserted through the cervix and placed in the uterus. It releases a chemical substance that damages sperm in transit to the uterine tubes and prevents fertilization.
Contraindications: active pelvic disease, abnormal uterine bleeding, severe uterine distortion, and for the copper IUD patients with Wilson’s disease and copper allergies.
Studies have shown been don't on Exercise and depression, exercise and
and energy levels, exercise and happiness levels , and exercise and eating habits.
Correct option: "Community health nursing can shape the quality of community health services and improve the health of public health"
Community health is a closer circle of people, it can be a community of elder people, some school, a block, etc. On the other hand, public health involves all the comminitis together, without making any clasifications.
This is why the statement is true: if community health is improved, in consequence the public health will be better.
Start from the inside and it will be reflected on the general view.