B. special effects
In the 19th century, there were no computers of special camera to effect special effects, it is a 20th century development. Special effects was not influenced by 19th century visual culture. On the contrary, tableaux of key dramatic moments, indoor lighting systems, painted sets and props, participation of famous stage actors are part of 19th century visual culture that had an influence on the staging of early films.
the people are build there self and work progress and the develop the country after the civil War
the 1st civil war was 1965 that time our prime minister was Mr. Attal bihari Vajpayee
As part of being readmitted to the Union, states had to ratify the new amendments to the Constitution.
There are many ways you can contribute to the common good. Try one of these activities to give back where you live: Connect individuals with jobs that sustain a family. Help adults get advanced educations so they have access to higher paying and more secure jobs.
<span>When you use the availability heuristic, you are </span>basing your judgments on the extent to which an event matches your expectations
When using availability heuristic, we will rely only on specific examples that are familiar to us. If this used in argument, our basic argument will only come across as subjective or biased.