Cancer would definitely need to be focussed on, air pollution is a known cause of cancer
D. both a and b
If you have ever experienced a heart burn or gas build up then those are your symptoms of epigastric pain (pain in upper abdominal region) and bloating (gas).
Beware, gastritis is different than gastroenteritis. Gastritis is only talking about stomach and inflammation whereas, gastroenteritis talks about both stomach and intenstines. Thus, gastroenteritis might cause diarrhea but gastritis will not.
True. Certain medicines (Vicodin) have people addicted to them and there are certain painkillers which affect your kidney adversely.
Hiya there!
Well, for one, corporate greed. In the media, like TV, movies, artists, etc., are usually very physically attractive in most people's opinion. This can lead to pressure on the rest of society to live up to the extremely high standards, as well as many self-depreciating thoughts about how oneself isn't good enough. Actually, this has been happening for hundreds, if not thousands of years! Distribution of magazines and books have put forth what one must attain. I've attached a picture of a corset ad from circa 1850.
In ancient cultures, like Sparta, being physically active and fit was necessary to fit into society, especially for men (which grew up to be strong, noble soldiers). A huge emphasis on being the greatest was placed on everyone.
But, being attractive and being fit are two different things. Having an active lifestyle can improve your life in countless ways, from improving your mood to lowering your risk of obtaining certain diseases.
Using positive actions while communicating with others can affect you drastically, if you are a naturally positive person, then being a positive peer will cause less conflict. If you are continuously being rude or negative on purpose, it can cause conflict and violence, which is not good for your mental health. Higher stress levels also cause a number of health-related illnesses