You could start out by finding out how much demand there is for this kind of service. Go around your neighborhood and ask how likely everyone would be to utilize a dog walking or training business, and how much they would be willing to pay for such a service. Alternatively, you could create a survey online and send it to groups within your city. You can create a survey using Google Forms.
If there is enough demand for it and if the price is right, then present this information to your parents. This way you can show them that you're very serious about starting your own business and you have the know-how to do so.
Starting out with just a focus on dog-walking could be great, and then you could expand from there to training. If you have a good sized yard or a nearby dog park to work at for training, then you're set. After that you can move on to dog rescuing. Of course, you will need more space for rescuing dogs and will definitely need at least a yard.
Good luck with your parents and good luck with the business!
The amount of a service cannot change. But the quality of a service can change positively or negatively
I believe the answer is A.) Utilities
<span>Three people share the profit and losses as follows.Total ratio is 100. Hendrick and Mitch each get 2/5 of the profit or suffer 2/5 of the loss i. e (40/100) as well while redding gets 1/5 i. e (20/100). Redding can contribute no more than one-fifth of the liqudated capital. The$20, 000 in excess liability will be distributed in proportion to their ratios. 2/5 * 20, 000 = $8, 000 each for Hendrick and Mitcherum while redding gets 1/5 * 20, 000 = $4000. If the non cash assest is sold Hendrick would receive 2/5 * 50, 000 = 100000/5 = $20, 000. The minmum hendrick would receive would be $20, 000 + $8, 000 = $28, 000</span>
Answer: See explanation
a. The company's total book value of debt will be:
= Value of debt + Value of zero coupon bonds
= $70 million + $100 million
= $170 million
b. The market value will be:
= Quoted price × Par value
= ($70 × 1.08) + ($100 × 0.61)
= $75.6 + $61
= $136.6 million
c. The aftertax cost of debt will be:
= (1 - Tax rate) × Pre tax cost of debt
= (1 - 35%) × 5.7%
= 65% × 5.7%
= 3.7%