having family members involved in gang activity
if you grow up seeing something you're more likely to do it too
Palm? I think it’s either palm or just the front of your hand haha
Every month or once a month an egg will mature within the woman's ovaries. Once it reaches maturity it leaves the ovary and being push down in the fallopian tube where it will be fertilize and may meet up a sperm. This is what we call Ovulation.
Female disorder:
Polycystic ovary syndrome: It is a condition in which the ovaries dysfunction occurs and the egg is not able to be released from the ovaries in a normal manner. This condition is caused due to several hormonal changes.
Male disorder:
Over heated testicles: Due to undescended testicles, the sperms are not produced correctly and hence cannot perform their function. Such conditions lead to Immobile sperms. Hence, leading to infertility.