Firm should not shut down, as it is able to cover its Average Variable Cost
Perfect Competition firms in Short Run : The firms produce even if their average revenue (price) < their average total costs (AC). They continue production until Average variable cost (AVC) ≥ per unit price (P) i.e average revenue (AR). This is called Shut Down Point. P lower beyond AVC implies that firm won't continue even in short run.
Given : Variable Cost (VC) = 500 ; Revenue (R) = 510
Average Variable Costs & Average Revenue are variable costs & revenue, per unit quantity. AVC = VC / Q ; AR (P) = R / Q
R i.e 510 > VC i.e 500
So, R/ Q i.e AR is also > VC / Q i.e AVC
Since AVC > AR (P), firm should not shut down
Public Sector: the part of an economy that is controlled by the government.
( The government controls the income, and everything part of a business)
Private Sector: the part of the national economy that is not under direct government control.
( Sometimes referred to as " a citizen run business" in which a citizen makes all the choices and decisions for what is best for their business)
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The point p should be located to 4.42 km far from the refinery
Minimum of these costs occurs when <em>x = 1/
</em> , so <em>distance </em>should be <em>m</em> km to the east of the refinery.
<em>m = 5 - x </em>
<em>m = 5 - 1/
<em />
m = 4.42 km