DNA is a chain of nucleotides bonded together. On that chain there are particular portions of it that the sequence of the nucleotide codes for particular proteins; this is known as a gene. In eukaryotric cells, DNA is coiled around proteins such as histones to form chromatids which when two join at the centre by a centromere to form a chromosome.
Man you need to change this to a different catagory
Increase in urbanization will lead to increase in the number of people who are living in an urban area and it will also lead to increase in development in that area. The increase in development can come in form of construction of industries, which release large amount of waste products that pollute the air. This will lead to air pollution and reduce air quality. Development can also be in form of availability of electricity, that makes it possible for people to operate different electrical gadgets such as radio and television, which can result in noise pollution. Increase in the number of people who operate motor vehicles will also lead to increase in air pollution, which is caused by fossils fuel.
Cell division or reproduction process is called mitosis