Police uncertainty
In the case when the diamza government pased the law that the foreign company wants to do the business so here it only use the raw materials and only hire the citizens so it represent the uncertainty of the police that faced by the companies wanted to conducted the business
So the same should be considered and relevant
D) planning master scheduling, material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, detailed scheduling
The sequence of operational planning and control tasks that follow sales and operations planning is planning master scheduling, material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, detailed scheduling.
Sales and operations planning (S&OP ) is a monthly integrated business management process that enables the executive management team to continually achieve objectives such as focus, control inventory costs, alignment and improve service levels of the organization.
A royalty is a fee that the franchisee has to pay the franchiser for trading under its name.
A franchise operation is when one party (franchiser) allows another party (franchisee) access to it’s proprietary knowledge, trademark and processes in order to allow the party to sell a product or provide a service under the business’s name. A common example of a franchise operation are KFC outlets across the globe.
A royalty fee is a fee that the franchisee has to pay the franchiser on a common basis such as quarterly or annually for trading under its name. It is generally calculated as a percentage of gross sales. In this case the royalty fee would be 5% of gross sales.