Genetics, blood type gene has two alleles, each allele has genotype A, B or O. The A and B are dominant, and O is recessive. So allele A combined with allele O is type A. Similarly, BO is type B, AA is type A, BB is type B, OO is type O, and AB is typeAB.
If both parents have type A blood, then the alleles could be AA or AO, thus the allele A frequency is 75%, allele O frequency is 25% for both parents. So the chance of alleles OO is 25% × 25% = 6.25%, alleles AA is 75% × 75% = 56.25%, alleles AO is 75% × 25% = 18.75%, alleles OA is 25% × 75% = 18.75%. Since AA, AO and OA are blood type A, and OO is blood type O, thus their child has 6.25% chance to be blood type O and 93.75% chance to be blood type A.
The +/- is called the rhesus factor, with + being dominant, and - being recessive. So if both parents are -, the kids are always -, otherwise the kids might be + or -.
Child Blood Type Estimate Table: Father's Blood TypeABABOMother's Blood TypeAA/OA/B/AB/OA/B/ABA/OBA/B/AB/OB/OA/B/ABB/OABA/B/ABA/B/ABA/B/
Implantation is the major sign of pregnancy for various women, it is a stage in which a zygote of fertilized egg limplants into the wall of the uterus.
Implantation usually takes place 6 to 10 days post ovulation, or day 20 to 24 of a menstrual cycle. However, it can take place a few days later or earlier. Once fertilization takes place, the egg remains the fallopian tuve for three days prior of getting inside the uterus and starts to implant itself to the walls of the uterus.
Answer: Blood is slightly more viscous then water, pH is slightly alkaline it is about 8% of ones body total body weight the rest of the options are slightly wrong.
Explanation: Blood is red in colour, a dark red when it is deoxygnated and bright red when oxygenated. Its normal pH is 7,4 making it slightly alkaline and it accounts for 8% of one's total body weight with 92% being water. Its temperatures ranges around our normal body temperature which is 37°C.