Depends on the environment, climate and etc
Mesopelagic zone
The Mesopelagic zone, also referred to as the Twilight zone, is the second oceanic zone from the top, lying just bellow the Epipelagic zone. It is occupying the waters at depths between 200 meters and 1,000 meters. The sunlight is only managing to reach the top few meters of this zone, while the rest is not receiving any sunlight, thus this zone is not supporting the plant species because they need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. There are lot of animal species that live in this zone though, and they are ll very well adapted for it, often having hard shells or heavily scaled bodies, larger lungs and heart, and very well developed gills. Some of the animals that live in here are the crabs and the clams. They have developed all the needed characteristics to live in this zone. Because they are prey to lot of larger animals, both the crabs and the clams have started to use the soft sediments at the bottom as cover, digging themselves below it, and mostly managing to evade trouble and end up as food for the other species.
A - has a low diversity of genes therefore they are having issues w the breed not becoming strong but instead weaker
1. They have to be able to reproduce, either asexually or sexually.
2. They have to be able to respond to stimuli.
3. They have to have cells, either as a unicellular organism or as a multicellular organism.
4. They have to grow and develop.
5. They have to have homeostasis. This means that they can maintain their own body temperature. Think of this as a thermometer for the body.
6. The last thing is that all living things also have to be able to do is move.
Bird skeletons are very delicate, and therefore, difficult to be preserved. The bones of the birds are soft. The small animals are very prone to physicochemical as well as biological decay. This is why the fossil record of bird is incomplete and well-preserved fossils of birds are rare to find, except at a few unusual sites.