In this case, the priority action of nursing is to stay in the room with the client, to constantly monitor his vital functions and medicate him and try to calm him down so that his cardiac, nervous and respiratory functions return to normal.
The monitoring of this patient is ideal, as the impairment of some essential function of the human body could lead to a more aggravated condition.
The main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints are: treat all complaints positively and seriously. make it as easy as possible for individuals to complain. if necessary, provide support for an individual to make a complaint.
sweat requires energy and thus take excess heat away from the body.Some of the water that you drink may eventually be converted into sweat and evaporate. If you drink a 20-ounce bottle of water that had been in the refrigerator at 3.8 °C, how much heat is needed to convert all of that
I think you should go to a chiropractic or tell somebody or go to the doctor if ur young I suggest telling your parents
If you have cardiac arrest because the heart is very slow or is stopped, shocking it will not help.” An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that works to restore the heart's normal electrical activity and get the heart beating again.