Corey is out on the roads doing a long run, and also doing some mental calculations at the same time. corey's pace is 3 strides
per second, and each stride covers 5 feet. (a) how much time does it take corey to cover a mile? (b) if corey's stride increased to 5.5 feet per step, how much time would be needed to cover a mile? (c) at five feet per step, how many steps would corey need to run the marathon distance, which is 26 miles and 385 yards?
A. 352 seconds or 5 minutes 52 seconds. B. 320 seconds or 5 minutes and 20 seconds C. 27687 steps There are 5280 feet per mile. In A, 3 strides per second at 5 feet gives us 15 ft per second. 5280/15 = 352 seconds. In B, 3 strides per second at 5.5 feet gives us 16.5 feet per second. 5280/16.5 = 320 seconds. In C, we calculate the total feet to divide by 5 per step. multiply 26 miles by 5280 to get feet per mile and multiply 385 by 3 to get the feet per yard. Add them together. then divide by 5. 26(5280) + 385(3) =138435. 138435/5 = 27687 steps