Answer: Target Costing
Target Costing is a method of costing on a product done while it's still being produced to determine the best price at which the product can be sold that would be able to compete with price of other similar products in the market and still make profit for the company.
RTP Corp needs to apply target costing for it's new computer processor in order for it to be profitable and beat the price of other processors in the market.
Answer:The correct option is 'd': The interest rate.
According to Liquidity preference theory money is considered as 'liquid' meaning that liquidity preference is the demand for money.
According to this theory if our investments are more liquid then we ought to cash in for full value as cash is often accepted as most liquid asset.
Thus the liquidity of cash can be controlled by adjusting the interest rates as equilibrium in the money markets is achieved when the demand equals the supply.
d. Supply chains should consider the needs of consumers provided those needs are consistent with marketing strategies.
In order for supply chain customer service to be effective, it is necessary to focus on customer needs and these needs must be aligned with the company's marketing strategies.
In other words, each stage of the supply chain must operate in an integrated manner, so that each process is synergistic and so that the final consumer can receive the product at the right time, in the right quantity and in the right quality. Therefore, supply chain management will improve each step of the process, guaranteeing the quality of the processes, the reduction of time, the reduction of costs and waste and ensuring the continuous improvement of the process, which will make the product go through each channel effectively, generating value and strengthening the relationship between the company and the consumer.