If it leaks at the fitting, either try to tighten the fitting, or cut it off and put on a new one.
hope this helps (:
Human Environment Interaction
seafloor spreading
brown in summer, grey in winter -> camouflage from predators
storing fat during the summer -> gives them extra energy in the winter when there is less food
antlers with forward projections -> allows them to dig in the snow to uncover more food sources, also good for fighting predators
widely spaced hooves -> easily walk on snow and to dig for more food
migrate in herds -> find new area for more food & escape extreme weather, predators, and pesky bugs
Real Depth is actual distance of an object beneath the surface, as would be measured by submerging a perfect ruler along with it. Apparent depth in a medium is the depth of an object in a denser medium as seen from the rarer medium. Its value is smaller than the real depth.