both can be found in all living things
The atmospheric pressure conditions for a 50+ dBZ range differs from small to heavy hails.
dBZ refers to decibel relative to Z used in weather radar most of the times, in order to compare the reflection factor (Z) of a weather radar signal reflected off a remote object to the return of a droplet of rain with a diameter of 1 mm.
dBZ is a logarithmic dimensionless technical unit, at 55 dBZ and above, most storms have hail which can throw off the rainfall rate because hail has a higher reflection.
Generally above 50 dBZ range the intensity varies accordingly for every 5 points. Such as small hail to moderate hail and from moderate to heavy hail.
Therefore the atmospheric pressure conditions differs from rains to hails.
Answer: Those which can adapt and withstand the high acidity levels of water.
The pond slowly becomes more acidic due to release of chemicals from a nearby factory. The chemicals released are acidic and toxic which will cause biomagnification in the pond water. Those organisms which can withstand the high acidic pH of water will survive. Others which can undergo adaptations can also survive.
Lloyd came up with the idea of Tragedy of the Commons