The library charges $2 to use the copier and $0.99 for each paid copied.if Jerry paid the librarian $8.93 ,how many copies did H e make
2 answers:
First subtract the 2 dollars then you will have 6.39 then divid by the .99 wich gives you 6.45 which you round up to 7 copious because you can’t have a 1/2 of a copy
We already know he paid $2 to use the printer, so you have your first equation: $8.93 - $2.00 = $6.98. He has to pay $0.99 for each copy he prints. You just need to multiply $0.99 by however many times it takes to get close enough to $6.98. When I did that, I got 7. 7 was the closest answer I got. So Jerry made 7 copies of paper or printed 7 pages.
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kylie is slow and so am i
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Sorry hagrid, cant help ye out on this one bud