D is the answer
Hope this helps
Import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Sprhere
{// Instance Data private double surfaceA, volume, r, diameter; //Constructors public Sphere ()
{r = 0;diameter = 0; surfaceA = 0;volume = 0;}
public Sphere (double radius, double d, double SA, double v)
{this. r = radius; this. diameter = d; this. surfaceA = SA;this.volume = v;}
//--------------------------------------------------------------------// Accesors.//--------------------------------------------------------------------public double get Radius()
{return r;}
public double get Diameter()
{return diameter;}
public double get SurfaceA()
{return surfaceA;}
public double get Volume()
{return volume;}
//--------------------------------------------------------------------// Mutators.//--------------------------------------------------------------------
I think he would be interested in a. epic elements of beowulf.
True, the computer will read from, say, a blu-ray and then transfer it to your RAM to before writing it to your hard drive and then, through the various other wonders of computers, it can be displayed on your monitor.
La unidad de medida de energía oficial es el Joule (J). El kilovatio / hora (kWh), utilizado especialmente para la energía eléctrica, debe figurar entre las unidades más comunes de medición de energía (de hecho, se utiliza para calcular las facturas de electricidad). Entonces es B.