The correct answer is B: if Hannah presented no substantial evidence to the extent that reasonable people could not different as to the outcome
In a case where Hannah has already been awarded $5 million against Batlock. Hence filing a motion for summary judgment is possible if the evidence presented by Hannah is not enough to conclude on the case. In law, filing a summary judgement is simply asking the court to make a decision on the substantial ability of the available evidence.
The term 'invisible hand' was first used by Adam Smith in the 18th century to describe the efficiency in the autoregulation of free markets, where free means not externaly intervened by governments. Intervention distorts markets and harms the efficiency of their functioning.
The main principle behind is that, when individuals pursue their "private" efforts they are generating larger wealth for society as a whole than if their first intention was to help society. The markets will be in charge of channelizing individuals interests into socialy desirable outcomes.
Mexican Americans, Mexico
At the end of the Mexican American War in the late 1800s, the Mexican Americans were given an offer to take American citizenship. However, they were considered as a second class society, and they settled in the southwest of the USA. Some Chinese population also as an immigrant came to the US and settled in California, and by 1949 they too were 300000 in number.
Oops I wanted to help but sorry
Should pay attention in class