The last and succesful anti-Napoleonic coalition was formed by Austria, Great Britain, Russia and Prussia. They defeated and pushed the French army, arrived in Paris and forced Napoleon´s adbication in 1814. The Russian disaster of 1812 weakened the military power of France.
According to an understanding reached between the United States and the Soviet Union in the last days of the war, Soviet troops would occupy the parts of Korea north of the 38th parallel and US troops would occupy those south of this dividing line. ... With this, the Korean question was referred to the United Nations.
It will transform societies through critical-thinking, evaluation, and creating appropriate rules for equal opportunity. It is a continuous process of development to achieve the needs of society.
As the Bloody Sunday, as the 1905 Revolution was named, was a turmoil of the people of Russia calling for a change in their government as a result of all the wrong decisions made by the czars, if I could go back in time to avoid such a massacre I would urge czar Nicholas II to grant basic rights to the population, to grant citizens the most basic civil liberties, to bridge the gap between the lower class of the population and the feudal lords who still owned the vast majority of lands farmed by peasants and I will also advice him to provide better labor conditions for all the labor force. Thus, I would expect a society with a better lifestyle, whose rights were respected and fulfilled, the wellbeing of the workers at work place, a better economy for worker class, so that they would not need to lead to uprisings to protest, and call for changes. In a result, the great massacre could be avoided.