The answer is both male and females act in movies in plays (back then males played both male and female characters)
Yes, it is true that James Madison promised that the Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution, since many people were afraid that without this Bill of Rights the Constitution would trample of people's individual liberties.
t similarly found that the requirement that lawful firearms be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock made it impossible for citizens to effectively use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense, and therefore violated the Second Amendment right.
The social factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. The renaissance values of Humanism and secularism led people to question the church. 2. The printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the Church. The political factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. Powerful monarchs challenged the Church as the supreme power in Europe. 2. Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority. The Economic factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. European princes and kings were jealous of the Church's wealth. 2. Merchants and other resented having to pay taxes to the Church.
Roman Republic became dictatorship in the event of abolishment of monarchy back in 501 BC
The Roman empire was under monarchy ever since ages, which later to be divided by the power of King into two praetors. This division was done annually, which later to turn as a threat in order to re-establish monarchy.
This posed the necessity to develop a dictatorship as proposed and intel by the Senate. Praetor maximus or the dictator was hence made the superior position and Titus Lartius in 501 BC is known to be the first to acquire the position, leaving Roman Republic to dictatorship.