independent, dependent, control
The independent variable is the variable that you change. For example, if we were growing plants and wanted to see if more sun made them grow higher, you would change the amount of sun that each plant is exposed to.
The dependent variable is what you measure. This <em>depends</em> on the independent variable. So, in our plant experiment, the height of the plant is the dependent variable.
Control. The control is what stays the same. So in our plant experiment, the amount of water, type of plant, type of soil, and all of these things would stay the same to insure that the results are equal.
The process of protein synthesis involves two steps such as transcription and translation. In the process of transcription the encoded information in the DNA is transcripts or encoded into messenger RNA or mRNA inside the nucleus. This mRNA then comes out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm. In the process of translation the mRNA molecule attach with the ribosomes and tRNA molecules to synthesise the protein.
Equal amounts of DNA contain equal proportions of nitrogenous bases.
According to Chargaff's rule, the nitrogenous base pairs (Purines and pyrimidines) have an equal ratio (1:1) in the DNA of all the organisms. More precisely, the amount of adenine is equal to thymine and the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine in the DNA of all the organism. A-T base pair has two H-bonds while G-C base pair has three H-bonds.
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