I can boost my motivation by changing my sleep habits and taking a walk everyday after school and I will try to do something positive so that I have motivation to do my homework
The residual volume is the amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced expiration.
The volume of air exchanged during normal breathing is called the tidal volume.
After a normal inspiration, the amount of air that can then be inspired forcefully is called the inspiratory reserve volume .
If you subtract the residual volume from the total lung capacity, you get the vital capacity.
The vital capacity minus the expiratory reserve volume equals the inspiratory capacity.
The effects of obstructive diseases such as asthma or emphysema may be determined by measuring the forced expiratory volume .
High SchoolHealth 5+3 pts
Match each sentence with its correct word.
1. emotions: passionate responses to behavior
2. manners: commonly accepted social behaviors that display gracious consideration for others
3. disobedience: the cause of bad feelings
4 love: the defining trait of the Christian life
5 wisdom: knowledge of God's will
6 hospitality: generous treatment of guests or strangers without expecting repayment
1) warm-up
2) muscular endurance
3) stretching
4) cardio-respiratory endurance
5) muscle strength
6) cool down
7) fun
The correct answer is B. because it's true that Capillaries are connected between the arteries and veins and that Pulmonary arteries transport blood low in oxygen from the right ventricle to the lungs. But veins carry blood towards your heart so B isn't true