It is either C. or D. It is most likely D.
This is because the efficiency of solar power can vary based on the season or events. All in all, it cannot be completely reliable.
1. Falso
2. Falso
3. Verdadero
4. Falso
5. verdadero
1. Las células de los animales, las plantas y los hongos son eucariotas
2. Los hongos se reproducen sobre todo por medio de esporas
3. cerevisiae se reproduce tanto asexual y sexualmente levaduras se reproducen asexualmente mediante un proceso conocido como gemación.
4. La tinción de Azul de lactofenol se emplea para observar hongos.
5. Los hongos pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares. Las levaduras son hongos unicelulares
................. Geologic maps
Portland, Oregon, is a city right next to northern west coast of the USA. Besides being very close to the sea, it is also laid on a river. The sun that heats up the ocean and the river leads to evaporation, causing water vapour to ascend, because of a few wind currents, this water vapour is taken to Portland's area where it colds down and condensates, raining over Portland.