They could make a matrial that wolnt rust, and that will not wear down/ break
What are the two primary goals of the HIPAA?
HIPAA, also known as Public Law 104-191, has two main purposes: to provide continuous health insurance coverage for workers who lose or change their job and to ultimately reduce the cost of healthcare by standardizing the electronic transmission of administrative and financial transactions.
power = force times velocity
Here is how regular heavy drinking can affect your body long term. Brain: Drinking too much can affect your concentration, judgement, mood and memory. It increases your risk of having a stroke and developing dementia. Heart: Heavy drinking increases your blood pressure and can lead to heart damage and heart attacks.
My answer would be '<span>Why are physical fitness programs necessary for improving student health?' Because in the article it discusses a 'room for improvement' when talking about how many children are doing the 'quota' of </span>exercise.