1. Using your straightedge, draw a reference line, if one is not provided.
2. Copy the side of the square onto the reference line, starting at a point labeled A'.
3. Construct a perpendicular at point B' to the line through ab2.
4. Place your compass point at B', and copy the side of the square onto the perpendicular b'g. Label the end of the segment copy as point C.
5. With your compass still set at a span representing AB, place the compass point at C and swing an arc to the left.
6. Holding this same span, place the compass point at A' and swing an arc intersecting with the previous arc. Label the point of intersection as D.
7. Connect points A' to D, D to C, and C to B' to form a square.
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The graph of g is 3 units above the graph of f.
Step-by-step explanation:
Adding 3 to each y-value shifts the graph up 3 units.
In the case of the straight line given here, it also has the appearance of shifting the graph left. The left-shift, however, is not 3 units. The amount of apparent horizontal shift will depend on the slope of the original line.
Look up the law of sines, I suggest Khan Academy. It is better if you know how to do it, it is very useful.
A line is a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions.
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