Application : Application for the assistance of federal financial directly from the FEMA.
Subapplication : Application for assistance for the federal financial that is indirectly access through some pass-through entity. (Applicant to FEMA or Subapplicant to the Applicant)
Subapplicant : A state agency, territorial government, local government or any federally-recognized tribal government who submits a sub-application to an applicant for the assistance under the FEMA's hazard mitigation grant programs.
Yes it is true that an applicant user with access to submit or sign can submit as well as update, review the status, fill and can complete the applicant who is acting as the sub-applicant sub-application.
The main idea was to establish the rule of law in the first settlement and set the pricliples for a self governed body through the faith in God, loyalty to England, mutual regard and equal laws.
Answer: Battle of the somme