He created a powerful military system and instituted effective political and social reforms. By abolishing the sectarian tax on non-Muslims and appointing them to high civil and military posts, he was the first Mughal ruler to win the trust and loyalty of the native subjects.
The neutrality of the congress generated polarization in the country. This polarization caused states where slavery was prohibited to criticize and devalue states where slavery was allowed, which retaliated against devaluation with further devaluation.
When Congress decided to stay neutral in relation to slavery in the country, Congressmen believed that this would generate peace in the country, as each state would have autonomy to decide whether it wanted to use slaves or not.
However, the result could not have been more different. Neutrality generated polarization and many conflicts between countries that allowed slaves and prohibited slaves. Countries that did not allow slavery criticized, devalued and tried to interfere with the autonomy of the states that allowed slavery. The slaves who allowed slavery did not tolerate this interference and retaliated as best they could, in addition to promoting a strong devaluation in relation to free countries.
It could be a variety of answers some examples could be something relating to the technology, or the advancements of this time period. Anything relating to that would be fine!
In the poem "To an Athlete Dying Young" by A.E. Housman, the author talks about an athlete who dies at the height of his popularity and success. Most people find this situation sad, as the man was very young and most likely had much to live for still. However, the author argues that such a death does not necessarily need to be tragic. He tells us that the fact that the athlete died young means that he will forever be remembered as a success, and as the best version of himself.
This relates to the quote, as the quote also states that a death is only meaningful if a person is forgotten. However, as long as a person is remembered, the person is immortal. This means that the death is meaningless, and that glory can save a person from death.
Gorbachev is more important in the ending of the cold war because of the following reason which includes:
1. Gorbachev is the fourth leader during Regan's Presidency and he is the one that initiated the truce.
2. Gorbachev declared openly unilateral criteria to reduce the country’s armed forces by 500,000 soldiers and soldiers from Eastern Europe
3. He also claimed in the UN in December 1988 that Russian under his leadership will not be using an international class struggle.