When constructing an argumentative essay, incorporate sources that are or are close to irrefutable and have relevance to what you are discussing. For example, if your topic is about why sanitary napkins for women should be free at school then present facts about how not everyone has access to them at home or how the expense would not cost a lot. However, no matter what you say it can not be opinion driven and you must have valir reasons and statistics to support your point. So using the previous topic, I would mention the actual estimated price free sanitary napkins would cost or talk about the struggles of teenage girls or teachers who cannot afford tampons. Additionally in your argumentative essay, you will need a counterclaim which is you rebuting a popular misconception or a common opposing viewpoint. For example, one may mention how female students and faculty would abuse the privilege and would not use it for only emergencies. They would then combat the statement by highlighting how many schools that do offer free sanitary napkins obtained a specific system that allows them to monitor who is borrowing what and the quantity of how much they borrow by making the pads accessible at the nurse or the administration office. You will know if something supports your claim if the evidence has the same topic and main idea as your objective and if it does not disprove your belief.
Make time for the individual and make it clear that you are available. Don't be affected by their emotions. They could be impatient, sad, angry, or scared. You might assist the person by assuring them that their reactions are normal. Provide assistance in a practical manner. You may help them with their chores or grocery shopping. Encourage the individual to take care of themselves by eating well, avoiding alcohol, drugs, or stimulants, and attempting to keep normal sleeping habits, for example. You may need to give the person some alone time. Let them know you care about them without passing judgment.
Suggestion to a person to follow a set of everyday habits.
Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
→ she didn't want to go to school, made up an excuse and even got a prize for it (breakfast)
Primary reinforcement is a reinforcement that does not depend on previous learning (conditioning). They are generally used to meet basic needs, such as water and food. Its relationship was established based on phylogenesis.
→ she was afraid to go to school and made up an excuse
Reinforcement, or reinforcing stimulus, for behaviorism is the consequence of behavior that makes it more likely. The reinforcement can be positive (through the addition of a stimulus) or negative (through the removal of a stimulus).
the cost of a post secondary degree is worth it.
The correct answer is "the cost of a post secondary degree is worth it". This is because the statement implies that having this kind of degree is better than having a secondary degree.
Here are the reasons why the other answers are not correct:
- "the cost of a post secondary degree should be avoided": this is false, as the statement on the question says that in the long term it is better to have a post secondary degree.
- "you should not be concerned about the amount of debt you go into to pay for it": the statement provided discusses that it is better to have post secondary degree than not habing it. It does not address being concerned about its cost. It is always recommended to understand how you are going to pay for a degree, so you can plan for which kind of job you will need to have after finishing the degree as well as how much money you need to earn to have good quality of life.
- "the more money you pay for the degree guarantees a higher salary": the statement does not talk about the ratio between salary and cost of a degree.