1.Each state has its own constitution, separate from the United States Constitution. What do you think States would include in t
heir constitutions that is similar to what is in the U.S Constitution? What might they include that is different? You may use Florida as an example. Please answer in complete sentences. 2.Most states require you to be ______ years old to run for governor, whereas you have to be _______ years old to run for president.
In states like Missouri and Oklahoma, you have to be a state resident for _____ years to run for governor. The president must have lived in the United States for ______ years in order to run.
In most states, the governor can serve _______ year terms, for a total of ________ terms. Likewise, the president also serves a term of _______ years and can serve up to _______ terms.
The governor and president both serve as ________ __________ for their political parties; the president at the national level and the governor at the state level.
Just like the president, the governor is head of the _____________ branch of government.
Whereas the president has a lot of power over who he selects to serve in his ___________, the governor does not have as much say over those positions.
Governors and presidents both have the power to _________ bills brought before them by the legislature.
A difference between the two positions is that governors can veto only part of the bill while signing the rest of it, called a ______-________ veto. The president does NOT have this power.
The president nominates people to run departments at the national level. At the state level, many of those positions are led by__________ officials.
Similar major executive officials: a. _____________________________ b. _____________________
Different major executive officials at state level: a._____________________________ b. ________________________________ c. _________________________________
The Santa Fe Trail was America’s first commercial highway. Traders established the trail—which connected Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico and covered some 900 miles of the Great Plains—in 1821. Before its demise due to the completion of the Santa Fe railroad, the Santa Fe Trail served as a thoroughfare for countless traders, pioneers and America’s military, and it played a crucial role in America’s westward expansion.
if I were juror in murder case, the I would conduct all the scientific evidence, and if it still conflicts with ALL the witnesses I would not believe the witnesses. but I still would not announce my decision. I would want more evidences and proofs to announce my decision because I just can't rely only on scientific evidence, (what if the person who murdered changed the fingerprints and other scientific evidence, you never know)