Sep 24, 2016 · Que inventos importantes se crearon durante la edad del agua y el viento Recibe ahora mismo las respuestas que necesitas!
f = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print("It's divisible by 7.")
print(str(f-(f%7))+", "+str(f+(7-(f%7))))
Giving that: The following is a sequence of undo-log records written by 2 transactions T and U:
< START T >;
< T,A,10 >;
< START U >;
< U, B, 20 >;
< T, C, 30 >;
< U, D, 40 >;
< Commit U >;
< T, E, 50 >;
< Commit T >;
1. < START U >
Recovery action in this case will be undo(-1) and undo(0). All restored to its original Value
log records < T, A, 10 >, < T, abort >; as written out
2. < T, E, 50 >
Recovery action in this case will be undo(8) and redo(0). A and C is restored to its original value, B and D are set to 20 and 40
log records <T, C, 30 >, < T, A, 10 >, < T, abort > are written out
3. < Commit T >
Recovery action in this case will be redo(7) and redo(4). A and C are set to 10 and 30, B and D are set to 20 and 40