The correct answer is cooperative play.
Cooperative play is considered to be an activity or process of early children, wherein they follow the rules of a certain activity and they have a cooperative outcome, wherein there is no cheating and that everybody plays fair. The activity will be considered as an organized one.
Can you be more specific?
Let us first define what is euphoria. Euphoria is when an individual experiences pleasure or excitement. This is when a person also feels intense feelings of well-being and happiness. When you have this feeling, you are having the best time of your life. There are already a lot of references that directly relate exercise and happiness. One reference says that being fit really has a huge impact on our mental health, moods and happiness. Take another basis which says that getting yourself a workout routine will make you take of your mind from all the worries and stress of out of your busy life. Eventually, this will then for sure create happiness.
The simple answer would be by, "checks and balances", is how the two branches check upon each other. However there are specific methods in doing "checks and balances," hope this helps as a starting point to your question!
one by one they ask and one by one they are misleaded