Option (C) is correct i. e. , wet with high humidity.
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i hope it's right
i think it is
There are no options to choose from and this makes it hard to answer the question. I hope my answer is correct and comes to your help. The reason that the new recruit fainted was that he did not use muscular compression to return the blood to the heart and thus his brain became devoid of oxygenated blood, resulting in the new recruit getting fainted.
Contracture develops when normally elastic connective tissue are replaced with nonelastic fibrous tissues.
Contracture is the prolonged state of shortening or tightened tissue. Contracture develops when the normally stretchy tissues are replaced by non stretchy fiber-like tissue. This tissue makes it hard to stretch the area and prevents normal movement. It mostly occurs in the skin, the tissues underneath, and the muscles, tendons, ligaments surrounding a joint.
There are two sphincters in the human body